offer for teachers: “White Rose”

Dear members specializing in classroom education :
We would like to inform you that arrangements have been made to provide the film “The Search for the White Rose” to all middle and high schools throughout the US and Canada at no charge. You can preview it at no charge and can use it in your middle and high schools at no charge. You will also be provided the recommended study to be used with the film – again, at no charge.
For those who may not be fully aware, the White Rose consisted of a group of students with their one professor from the University of Munich that followed their conscience, at great personal risk, in standing up against, and resisting Hitler and the Nazis during WW2. The White Rose is an outstanding role model for students to follow in terms of standing up against all forms of hate, intolerance and bullying. The film is only 30 minutes in length so that it fits perfectly into class periods. It has already been distributed to over 5,000 schools in Florida, West Virginia and New Jersey. Teachers love using this film in their classes.
I’m sure you will want to preview the film before forwarding it to your social studies, history, civics and Holocaust teachers. Please let me know if you are interested to look at it and we will be happy to send you a link for your review. Should you want to use it for your schools, there will be NO CHARGE. This program has been exceptionally well received and has been funded by the Holocaust Learning and Education Fund, Inc. in of Florida. Our only objective and sole motivation is to teach our students how important it is to make good life choices in rejecting hate and intolerance in all of it’s forms.
Please let me know if you are interested to review this film for your schools so that I can have our coordinator send you the link to preview this short film. Again- there will be no charge or expense to your school system whatsoever. This is being offered by us, and the film’s producer as nothing more than doing a “good deed” with no benefit other than feeling good if it helps young people to make better life choices.


Craig R. Weiner
Holocaust Learning and Education Fund, Inc.



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