This week marks 75 years since the end (“liquidation”) of the Łódź Ghetto, the second-largest ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe. The Florence and Laurence Spungen Family Foundation, in partnership with the State Archive in Łódź and the University of Łódź, has organized a commemorative exhibition titled Postal Service in the Łódź Ghetto, 1940-1944.
The exhibition depicts life in the Łódź Ghetto through the lens of the Jewish postal service, which was organized within the Ghetto and was responsible for incoming and outgoing mail. The exhibition will show the organization of the Jewish Post, including the unique idea of designing its own stamp. An equally important part of the exhibit will be post cards that will tell the tragic fate of senders and addressees.
Materials for the exhibition have been provided by the Spungen Family Foundation, which holds the largest known private collection of material from the Łódź Ghetto, and from the State Archive in Łódź. Curators for the exhibition include Ewa Wiatr, Małgorzata Domagalska, and Adam Sitarek (University of Łódź); Danny Spungen (Spungen Family Foundation); and Piotr Zawilski (Archiwum Państwowe w Łódźi).
The exhibit opens today, August 26, with a ceremony and reception at 2:00 pm at the State Archive in Łódź, located at Plac Wolności 1, Poland. It will be open to visitors through September 30, 2019, and then will be available for exhibition at future sites in Poland and Germany. We invite and encourage our friends and colleagues who will be in Poland to attend the opening reception and/or view the exhibition. Please see the attached fliers.
For more information or to inquire about hosting the exhibition, please contact me or Danny Spungen. My contact information is listed below and you may reach Danny via email ( or by phone (+1.847.533.7337).
For more information about the Spungen Family Foundation’s Holocaust collection, please visit http:// collection.