The Dayton Holocaust Resource Center is responsible for storing, maintaining, purchasing, and disseminating Holocaust educational materials for teachers and researchers in the greater Dayton area.
Dayton Holocaust Blog
Here’s an updated link to the DHRC holdings at Wright State’s Dunbar Library. https://guides.libraries.wright.edu/dhrc
Virtual Tour of Auschwitz
Here is an interesting offering from the Center for Holocaust Education of the East Valley JCC. Auschwitz Virtual Tour
Art and Writing Contests 2022
After a difficult year, we’re happy to announce that the Max May Holocaust Memorial Art Contest and Lydia May Memorial Holocaust Writing Contest will be held as usual in the upcoming school year. We are still working on the details, but teachers in grade 5-12 should note that the deadline will be Monday, March 28, […]
New Edition of Visitors’ Guide to the ‘Prejudice and Memory’ exhibit at the Air Force Museum
Thanks to Patrick Hannon at the Museum for making this happen – the first update in some years! Available at this link.
Teaching the Holocaust workshop at Case Western Reserve University
The Echoes & Reflections organization, always a good source of Holocaust educational resources, is hosting a workshop for teachers in Cleveland on Tuesday, November 5th from 4 pm to 7 pm. Liz Elsby of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem will be there to talk about effective methods of teaching the Holocaust using tools from Echoes & Reflections, as […]
Max May Holocaust Art Contest at the Dayton Art Institute!
New exhibit in Poland
This week marks 75 years since the end (“liquidation”) of the Łódź Ghetto, the second-largest ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe. The Florence and Laurence Spungen Family Foundation, in partnership with the State Archive in Łódź and the University of Łódź, has organized a commemorative exhibition titled Postal Service in the Łódź Ghetto, 1940-1944. The exhibition depicts life in the Łódź Ghetto […]