- World War I ends in German defeat
- League of Nations established
- Germany becomes a democratic republic
- Laws restricting Gypsies enacted
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion published in Germany
- German Workers’ Party (DAP) founded
- Pogroms in Poland and the Ukraine
- New legal restrictions on Jews in Hungary
- League of Nations meets for first time, Geneva
- First mass meeting of National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP, or Nazis)
- Adolf Hitler publishes first Nazi party program
- The International Jew, an anti-Semitic book, published in the US by Henry Ford
- Allies assess Germany $31 billion in war reparations
- Hitler establishes Sturmabteilung (SA), the “Storm Troopers”
- NSDAP begins publishing its newspaper, Völkischer Beobachter
- Hitler named chairman of NSDAP
- Mussolini establishes Fascist government in Italy
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion published in Italy and France
- Walther Rathenau, Jewish foreign minister of Germany, assassinated
- Great Britain takes control of Palestine
- First Nazi attacks on Jews in Germany
- German economy collapses, Deutschemark worthless
- France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr
- Hitler establishes Schutzstaffel (SS)
- Hitler’s failed “Beer Hall Putsch” in Munich
- Hitler serves nine months in prison, begins writing Mein Kampf
- US limits immigration from eastern Europe
- Nazis win 6.6% of vote in Reichstag elections
- Fascist organizations founded in several European countries and in the US
- Huge Nazi rally in Munich
- Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg elected president
- League of Nations outlaws chemical/biological warfare
- Mein Kampf published
- Austrian universities deny admission to Jews
- Hitler Youth Organization founded
- American Eugenics Society founded
- Many Jewish cemeteries vandalized by Nazis
- Rising anti-Semitism in Romania
- German government lifts speaking ban on Hitler
- Joseph Goebbels publishes Der Angriff (“The Attack”)
- Nazi Party wins 12 seats in the Reichstag
- Jewish settlers killed in Jerusalem
- Hitler appoints Himmler head of the Schutzstaffel (SS)
- Nazi party rally at Nuremberg draws over 100,000
- Ustasha, Fascist organization, founded in Croatia
- Hitler appoints himself leader of the Storm Troopers
- Nazis win 108 seats in the Reichstag
- Nazi Party of Denmark founded
- “Führer” is Hitler’s new title
- German banking system collapses
- Nazi Party forms alliance with other right-wing parties
- Nazi Party of the Netherlands founded
- Hitler becomes a German citizen
- Hitler receives 11.3 million votes in presidential election, but Hindenburg wins
- Franz von Papen becomes Chancellor
- German-American Bund founded in US
- Nazis win 230 of 608 Reichstag seats, but later lose 34 of them
- Hindenburg offers to make Hitler Chancellor; Hitler refuses
- Albert Einstein speaks out against the Nazis
- Hitler becomes Chancellor on January 30
- Reichstag burns; Hitler blames Communists
- Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes president of the United States
- SA (Sturmabteilung) foments riots and attacks on Jews throughout Germany
- Dachau, first concentration camp, established
- Legal discrimination against Jews begins
- Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) established
- First public book burnings
- Nazis begin sterilizing “undesirables”
- Germany withdraws from League of Nations
- Himmler becomes head of all German police
- Hitler announces intent to re-arm Germany, in violation of the Versailles treaty
- Thousands attend pro-Nazi rallies in US
- “Night of the Long Knives” – Hitler executes suspect Nazis
- Hindenburg dies; Hitler takes all power
- Germany introduces conscription, builds up armed forces
- First “Nuremberg Laws” passed
- Jews disqualified from German citizenship
- New Polish government begins to persecute Jews
- Germany defies Versailles Treaty, occupies Rhineland
- “Death’s Head Units” formed to guard concentration camps
- Reinhard Heydrich becomes head of SD (Sicherheitsdienst)
- Spanish Civil War begins
- Olympic Games in Berlin (August)
- Hitler and Mussolini sign Axis pact
- Germany signs treaty with Japan
- Hitler declares Third Reich will last 1000 years
- Buchenwald established
- Hitler abrogates Versailles Treaty
- SS begins “euthanasia” of “defectives” (physically and/or mentally handicapped)
- About half of Germany’s Jews have now emigrated
- Hitler names himself head of German military
- Germany annexes Austria
- Confiscations of property and discrimination against Jews stepped up
- Evian Conference: many nations, including US, will not admit Jewish refugees
- Mauthausen, a concentration camp, established in Austria
- Munich conference, Sudetenland crisis (September)
- Kristallnacht (November 9 & 10)
- Jews forced to wear yellow badges
- All Jewish students expelled from schools
- Kindertransport begins
- All Jewish economic assets seized
- Hitler warns that war will mean extermination of Jews
- Hungary authorizes forced labor for Jews
- Spanish Civil War ends with Fascist victory
- British limit Jewish immigration to Palestine
- Refugee ship St Louis turned away from US
- Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact between Germany and the USSR (August)
- Invasion of Poland, World War II begins (September 1)
- Thousands of Polish Jews interned
- Six “euthanasia” centers established in Germany
- “Blitzkrieg” invasion of western Europe begins
- Lodz Ghetto in Poland sealed off
- Auschwitz concentration camp established
- France, Low Countries occupied
- Battle of Britain
- Wall built around Warsaw Ghetto
- Deportation of French Jews begins
- Population of Warsaw Ghetto reaches 400,000
- Dutch workers strike to protest deportation of Jews
- Krakow Ghetto established
- Germany invades USSR (June)
- Jews in Baltic states ordered to wear yellow badges
- First Soviet prisoners at Auschwitz
- Babi Yar massacre
- Belzec death camp established
- Odessa massacre
- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
- Allies establish War Crimes Commission
- Wannsee Conference calls for “Final Solution” (die Endlösung)
- Gassing begins at Auschwitz, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Majdanek, Treblinka concentration camps
- Mass starvation in Polish ghettos
- Lublin, Czestochowa ghettos liquidated
- Medical experiments on Auschwitz victims
- Switzerland expels Jewish refugees
- Joint Rescue Committee begins work
- Liquidation of Jewish slave laborers in Berlin begins
- Bergen-Belsen concentration camp established
- Katyn Forest massacre
- Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (April-May)
- Mengele begins “medical experiments” at Auschwitz
- Himmler orders liquidation of all ghettos in occupied USSR
- Allies invade and occupy most of Italy, Mussolini flees
- Most of Denmark’s Jews are saved
- Revolt of prisoners at Sobibor concentration camp
- Oskar Schindler saves Jewish workers
- Mengele’s “twin studies” (medical torture and death) at Auschwitz
- Lodz Ghetto liquidated
- Normandy invasion (June)
- 290,000 Hungarian Jews exterminated in 23 days
- Raoul Wallenberg saves thousands of Hungarian Jews
- Paris liberated
- Soviets begin to liberate concentration camps in East
- Anne Frank sent to Auschwitz
- First “death marches” from Auschwitz to German camps
- Battle of the Bulge
- Soviet army liberates Poland and Hungary
- Anne Frank dies at Bergen-Belsen
- Evacuation of Auschwitz
- Death marches across Poland and Austria
- Yalta Conference
- US Army crosses the Rhine
- Liberation of camps in Germany
- Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Last death marches within Germany
- Suicide of Adolf Hitler
- Murder of Benito Mussolini
- Liberation of Mauthausen
- Surrender of Germany (May 8)
- Gradual evacuation of camp survivors to Displaced Persons (DP) camps
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombed
- World War II ends (September 2)
- Nazi officials imprisoned and interrogated
- Nuremberg War Crimes trials
- 1.5 million Europeans in DP camps
after 1945:
- Emigration of survivors to US, Israel and elsewhere
- pogroms in Hungary and Poland
- Establishment of the State of Israel
- United Nations bans genocide
- Trial of Adolf Eichmann in Israel
- Albert Speer, Baldur von Schirach released from prison
- Joseph Mengele dies in South America
- Klaus Barbie tried in France
- US Holocaust Memorial Museum opens
- Misappropriation of Holocaust victims’ funds by Swiss bankers revealed (Eizenstat report)
- Germany announces plans for Holocaust memorial in Berlin; opened in 2005
late 1990s:
- Controversies over reparations for Holocaust survivors
2000 and after:
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